“Bring your own device” (BYOD)

As a school we are committed to harnessing the power of mobile learning and cloud-based technology in order to improve student engagement and outcomes. This approach is under-pinned by the use of the Google Apps for Education platform which provides a way to work seamlessly at home and at school and also supports collaborative learning.

We also have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scheme whereby students are required to bring their own large screen mobile device into school and to connect it to our school wireless network. This provides filtered access to the internet and allows them to use their devices to support learning in the classroom. Students’ use of their devices is regulated by the classroom teacher according to a clear code of conduct.  Students may also use their devices at break and lunchtime, again in accordance with the code of conduct and the acceptable use agreement for ICT.

The connection process is a simple one whereby students need to select the Gillotts-Student Wi-Fi network on their device and then add their school username and password when prompted. If students do not use the Wi-Fi network within a 24 hour period they will need to re-connect to it again.

Please refer to the list of online learning resources for details of how to access some of the resources we use.

The documents below provide further information and advice on the BYOD scheme.

Mobile phones, and other devices such as smart watches, should not be seen, heard or used during the school day. They should be switched off and in bags between the hours of 8.45am and 3.30pm (2.30pm on a Friday), and not in clothes pockets.

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How to find us

Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane

01491 574315