Years 7-9

Student Subject Progression Framework 0923

Year 7-9 Curriculum
The curriculum followed by students in Years 7-9 is based on the National Curriculum Key Stage 3 programmes of study. Students follow a common curriculum comprising:

SubjectTimetable allocation
Art2 hours per fortnight
Carousel (Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama & Food)4 hours per fortnight
English8 hours per fortnight (Y7)
7 hours per fortnight (Y8-9)
Geography3 hours per fortnight
History3 hours per fortnight
Mathematics7 hours per fortnight
Modern Foreign Languages6 hours per fortnight
Music3 hours per fortnight
Physical Education & Dance4 hours per fortnight
Religious Studies2 hours per fortnight (Y7)
3 hours per fortnight (Y8-9)
Science6 hours per fortnight

In MFL, all students are taught French throughout Years 7-9. At the start of Year 7 all students are taught French in mixed ability teaching groups. However, during Year 7, the classes are re-set according to ability with the top two classes in each band (4 in total) picking up a second language (either German or Spanish). In this case three hours per fortnight are spent on French and three hours on the second language. The MFL Subject Leader is responsible for deciding which second language students will study.

There is a carousel of four subjects (computer science, design technology, drama and food). These subjects are taught in pairs with students following two of the subjects for half the year (computer science & design technology or food & drama) and the other two in the second half.
The specific details of what is taught in each subject in Years 7-9 and how student progress is assessed are contained within the Years 7-9 Curriculum Guides.

Setting arrangements

We use a variety of ways to set students in different subjects and in different years depending on what is the most appropriate context for individual students’ learning. In all classes (both mixed ability ones and those set by ability) there is a range of ability. To take account of these differences all staff have a responsibility when planning work to meet the needs of all students. This will involve, at different times, adapting tasks; providing different resources; developing extension work; providing a variety of learning styles and environments; setting individual goals; giving different levels of support, and offering a variety of ways to demonstrate knowledge and understanding.

The subjects which set independently of other subjects are listed in the table below:

Year 7Year 8Year 9
Carousel (Computer Science, Design Technology,Drama& Food)Carousel (Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama & Food)Carousel (Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama & Food)
Modern Foreign LanguagesMathematicsMathematics
Modern Foreign LanguagesModern Foreign Languages


Key Academic Dates

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Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane

01491 574315