The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is responsible for inspecting the standards of independent and state schools.
‘Leaders have high ambitions for all pupils. Pupils thrive because of the high-quality teaching and care they receive.’
Ofsted visited the school on 27 & 28 June 2023 and concluded that Gillotts is Outstanding overall, as well as in all the four key judgements – the quality of education, behaviour & attitudes, personal development, and leadership & management.
This is a tremendous outcome to have achieved and we are proud to have had the school’s successes recognised in this way.
For inspectors to say that ‘All pupils are supported to make exceptional progress’ and that ‘Pupils rise to this challenge and achieve highly’ is a great endorsement both of all the work that our staff do day in, day out, and also the way that our pupils commit themselves to being the best they can be. The inspectors recognised our ‘inclusive and highly welcoming environment’ and that pupils are ‘very happy at the school’.
We are, as was also noted, ‘committed and reflective’ and ‘determined to improve the school even further’.
The school’s Ofsted reports can be found online here.
Emma Hunt, Chair of Governors
Catharine Darnton, Headteacher
Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane
01491 574315