Your School Health Nurse is: Jody Coleman
Secondary schools within Oxfordshire have a named NHS School Health Nurse who is based in the school. The aim of the School Health Nurse is to offer evidence based preventative health care for children and young people. We strive to improve young people’s health and wellbeing and their life chances. I will work closely with teaching and student support staff at encouraging students to be both physically and emotionally healthy in order to make informed healthy lifestyle choices and reach their full potential.
What we do
School Nurses provide public health interventions, including (but not exclusive to):
If we cannot help, we will find someone who can.
How can you access the School Nurse?
Young people can pop into the School Nurse office at drop in sessions (alone or with a friend)
Speak to your tutor or student support to help with referral
Self-refer by drop in or using phone number to text
The School Nursing service is confidential. This means we can discuss personal information with young people in confidence and will not discuss it with anyone else without their permission. However, we would pass on any information that we feel is needed to protect a young person or someone else from serious harm. Whenever possible this would be discussed with the young person first.
Contact details:
Term time only. Working days: Mon, Tues, Weds and Fri 9am – 2.30pm
Mobile: 07796993326
For urgent concerns contact your GP, for non-urgent advice or help contact 111. If you are in immediate danger dial 999.
Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane
01491 574315