Students at Gillotts make great progress!

The Department for Education has published provisional data for the 2016 GCSE results.  You can see the results for Gillotts here.  On many measures, Gillotts is the top school in Oxfordshire.  86% of our students achieved Grade C or better in both GCSE English and GCSE maths. Our Attainment 8 score was 58.5 – this means our students averaged a grade B is all the GCSEs they took.  A stunning 49% achieved the English Baccalaureate – that is good GCSES, in all of English, maths, science, a modern foreign language and a humanity.  These are all subjects highly valued by the best universities so students are leaving Gillotts exceptionally well prepared for their futures.

Our Progress 8 score, another new measure, is above average at 0.4 , which certainly puts progress in the top third of schools in the country and makes us the third best in Oxfordshire, of 34 secondary schools.

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How to find us

Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane

01491 574315