Anti Bullying Week this year is supported by the Anti Bullying Alliance. The theme is “Power For Good” – One kind word can change someone’s entire day. Gillotts Anti Bullying Ambassadors have promoted this message through a powerful assembly in front of All Year Groups, over the last term. The message was received and the school community, all ages, all groups got together to respect and celebrate our differences (that make us unique as individuals) at the Annual Performance Festival, in the School Hall, during Anti Bullying week. Guitar groups, songs, poems were all performed extremely well in front of an enthusiastic crowd who also sang along to songs with an Anti-Bullying theme. Lots of activities took place during AB Week to raise awareness. ABA’s will continue to spread the message that Bullying is never OK, campaigning throughout the year to work together to eliminate Bullying. A selected group of ABA’s were able to access training with other Secondary schools presented by Jo Brown, OCC AB Lead Co-ordinator and Amanda Weait (Support for Learning Keyworker) hosted at Gillotts. The Gillotts students taking part did a fantastic presentation at the beginning of the event and were pro-active with their support and hosting throughout the whole day. The students received wonderful, positive feedback from the day with an overall statement by the other schools: “Fantastic to see how Gillotts have integrated their ambassadors into school and the enthusiasm of their students, we will be taking all their positive energy away with us….” Congratulations to Dylan Coates, Kaine Parks, Ceri-Ann Isaac, Louis Malatt, Izzy Topham and Catarina Gomes who attended the training day. Keep up the good work!
Gillotts School
Gillotts Lane
01491 574315